Watch the sun setting on Mars, the planet plunges into darkness as soon as the sun sets, the sight is amazing

Watch the sun setting on Mars, the planet plunges into darkness as soon as the sun sets, the sight is amazing

We all have seen sunrise and sunset on earth. This view is quite charming. The first rays of the sun hit the earth at a place called Kiribati. This sight is so attractive that people travel from thousands of kilometers away to see it. There is light at this place for 14 hours. But these days a video is going viral on Twitter, in which the sunset is visible on Mars. It has been captured from space. This scene is even more beautiful.

NASA’s InSight lander spacecraft captured it on April 10, 2022. With the help of the camera mounted on the spacecraft’s robotic arm, NASA captured pictures of sunrise and sunset on Mars and showed them to the whole world. In the video you can see how Mars plunged into darkness as soon as the sun set.

the sunset looks blue
Sunset appears blue on Mars because there is a lot of dust in its atmosphere. Sunsets on Mars are blue in the same way that our sky is blue and sunsets are red: all due to the scattering of sunlight on the molecules that make up our atmosphere. While appearing white, sunlight consists of many different wavelengths – which we recognize as different colors. But the molecules and dust particles present in the atmosphere are able to show us only certain wavelengths. We see the same colors.

Mars’ atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide
The atmosphere of Mars is much weaker than Earth. Its pressure is equal to about 1 percent of Earth’s. To experience such low pressure on Earth, you would have to go to an altitude of more than 30 kilometers. It also lacks nitrogen and oxygen. The atmosphere of Mars is made up of carbon dioxide and contains a lot of dust. This fine dust scatters red light due to which the sky appears red, blue light goes inside. This is the light we see. The video has been viewed 52 thousand times so far.

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Shocking news, trending news, Viral news

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